Is Verdansk returning in Warzone 2?

Can you get a Warzone Victory in Verdansk?

original shot of verdansk in cod warzone
Image via Activision.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone 2‘s integration represents the next phase of the CoD cycle. New maps beckon, but will the legendary Verdansk be one of these FPS playgrounds?

Saying the word “Verdansk” is enough to make many full-grown men and women emotional. Call of Duty: Warzone arrived during a difficult time for many in 2020, and it would prove to be a monumental moment in gaming and spark a cultural impact.

The days of “1v1 me in Rust” were long gone and the Gulag was the new fad. Fans have been begging for Verdansk to return since it departed Warzone back in 2021, so will the developers listen and bring back the nostalgia to Warzone 2?

Will Verdansk return in Warzone 2?

destroyed verdansk in cod warzone
Hello darkness my old friend. | Image via Activision.

Officially, for the time being, Verdansk will not be returning to Warzone 2 as part of the Modern Warfare 3 launch.

Instead, the big focus is on Urzikstan, a brand-new map for Warzone 2, as well as news that both Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep are back. I had a lot of fun with Rebirth and Fortune’s Keep, so that is genuinely fantastic news for old-school players, but Urzikstan is an interesting proposition.

From what we’ve seen at the Call of Duty NEXT event and the general reception to the new location, it definitely gives off Verdansk vibes. Tall buildings, wasteland areas, off-the-beaten-path farm areas—if I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was a reimagining of Verdansk!

To be fair to them, the developers said that once Verdansk was blown up it would never be coming back. So time will tell if they eventually, and hopefully, renege on that promise. In the meantime, you can play Verdansk in Warzone Mobile.


Andrew Highton
Andy is a Game Guides Writer at Dot Esports with a host of experience working at Dexerto, Twinfinite, Keengamer, and more. He's about as passionate a gamer as you're likely to find and spreads that love across a ton of different titles, but will also talk everything football, golf, and wrestling! Be sure to follow his thoughts and ramblings over at @AndyHighton8 on Twitter.

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